We use different frameworks for decision making in different contexts — we don’t have a one-size fits all approach.

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For instance,

In any case, the important thing is to have a shared language in which to speak about how decisions are made and to be explicit with which framework we will use for which type of decision.


Opinion of One vs. Strongly Suggest vs. Mandate

Sometimes leaders within Warp will make statements about how something should work. The statements could be in regards to product features, marketing, strategy, etc.

We adopt a specific language (inspired from Jeff Weiner) around clarifying the weight of these statement to try and make it more obvious when those statements from leaders are mere opinions, strong suggestions, or actual decisions that need to be implemented.

[How We Hire Engineers at Warp](https://notion.warp.dev/How-We-Hire-Engineers-at-Warp-18f43263616d81cbad86c0287600de90)